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Saturday, April 11, 2009

General Opinions: Kelen Dagger vs Lothar`s Edge

A lot of newbie prefer to have a lothar most of the time instead of a dagger after the version change of when hero being hit and dagger will temporary get muted. Newbie will think that hero which have high damage but short hp need lothar a lot for their escape and back stab as well. But in my own opinions, i have a different view with lothar. Lothar not only cannot help them for escaping if them face with pro because dusk or ward will definately get you a dead.

But that not means you should not buy lothar at all.

When you can have lothar?
1. Your team have sufficient disable and stunner for you to survive in late game..
2. Your team have to keep on ganking for get them no money for ward and dusk.
3. What you need is just movement speed and temporary invisible for you to cast your AOE ulti to your enemy. Such as Venom. ( Because Lothar can give Venom damage and attack speed)
4. Pump your HP to prevent feeding.

But if lothar so powerful, why did i need dagger?

1. Dagger can give surprise to others if you a good fog control player.
2. Dagger can prevents of dusk and ward counter since you are not invi ^^
3. Dagger can absolutely help you escape if you good timing such as prevent stun.
4. Dagger used less mana while having a short cool down too.
5. Dagger are suitable for AOE stunner and skiller such as CM, Tiny, Lina which is no need damage a lot. SF is an exception, since he got his skill for damage, but he can also prefer dagger since he need a surprise better than people give you surprise by dusking. But there are also players play for lothar for SF.
6. Feasible escape by using dagger which means you can choose where to blink that actually enemy cannot imagine and think, so you can escape.


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Name: Alex Chong
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DotA Skills: Dummies

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